Spruce Street Weekly (25 Cents)
April 5, 2010
This month, the Broken Spoke Bike Shop celebrates its Grand Opening with a chance for you to hop on your bike.
On Friday, April 9, there will be a road ride starting at 6PM at the bike shop, located at 835 Water Street, weaving it's way through Port Townsend, and eding up at the Water Street Brewery.
The secod ride, taking place on Saturday, April 10, will be their family ride, "Tour De Tweed," where all of the riders are encouraged to wear tweed.
Upon returning to the shop, a party will be waiting, featuring food, drink, music, and discount coupons given out.
For the third ride, taking place on Sunday, April 11, all riders will meet at Gibb's Lake for a ride around its trails.
"We're looking to have a good time celebrating the bike shop and spring, and the beginning of biking season, said co-owner Jason.
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